Who We Are
We are two congregations in shared ministry, sharing the message of
God’s abundant and unconditional love for each and every human being.
Our two congregations – Abundant Life Lutheran Church and Prince of Peace Lutheran Church began exploring the possibility of shared ministry in 2016. At first, we hoped that joining in shared ministry would allow us to share a full time pastor, we soon found out that sharing in ministry together could mean so much more. As we have grown together over time, we’ve learned to collaborate, to share resources, wisdom, and ideas, and to support one another in ministry. We’ve learned that we are stronger together.
We officially became partners in Shared Ministry in 2017. Pastor Annemarie MacIntosh, who had been serving Abundant Life since 2006, became our Shared Ministry Pastor. In 2019, Pastor Annemarie retired, and we called Pastor Jeremy Langner to be our new Shared Ministry Pastor in 2019. Pastor Jeremy had already experienced life in a shared ministry during his internship in Brokenhead Shared Ministry in Eastern Manitoba. In 2021 we formalized our relationship as a two-point parish, and adopted a new name: Spirit of Life Ministry.
Pastor Jeremy Langner served as our Shared Ministry Pastor, who served our congregations until September 2023. Then, later in September 2023, we welcomed our interim Pastor, Rev. Murray Still who served as our Interim Pastor until November 2024.
You are invited to join us for worship this Sunday!